Bite Me (London Undead) Read online

Page 11

She called out as he entered her. Gathering her against him, he kissed her temple. Turning her head, she found his lips and kissed him hungrily even as her hands settled on his waist, tugging and encouraging him.

  He’d planned to be gentle, slow, but she wrapped her legs around his hips. His Maisie wanted more.

  He gave it to her.

  He ground his hips into her until he was buried to the hilt, then pulled out and slid back inside her again and again. Picking up the rhythm, she lifted her hips to meet him until they both were holding on to each other for the ride of their lives.


  She bucked against him as her inner muscles spasmed, and his balls tightened. As she screamed his name, he followed her over the edge into orgasm.

  * * *

  Maisie must have dozed off in the aftermath. She woke tucked against Seth’s side, covered by a light blanket.

  As she looked around her, really seeing the room for the first time, he stirred.

  “Awake, are you?” He tugged a lock of her hair.

  “This is your flat?” She found it spartan and neat, but not cold. It lacked none of the necessities and what furniture he had was of high quality, like the bed. There was a feeling of simple living to it.

  “Yours too, love, if you like.” He propped himself up on one elbow, kissing her bare shoulder.

  A home, a man who cared for her—hadn’t she dreamed of it?

  “We’ll get you a proper collection of clothes too.” He touched the tip of his finger to her nose. “And a name for that damned kitten, once he’s ready to move in too.”

  She gave him a thorough kiss for that. Enough of a kiss to wake other parts of him.

  They played for a bit, learning each other.

  Abruptly, he stopped, braced on his elbows and looking her over. “So, you’ve decided, then?”

  “This has happened fast. So fast.” She watched his eyes go blank, his warmth withdraw. He was bracing himself. “I’m not holding back, Seth, or toying with you. But I want us to build this one day at a time. Can we do that?”

  His answer came slow. “I’ll not promise you I won’t be difficult, or downright overbearing.” He took a slow breath. “But I’ll do my best.”

  “Then, I’ll stay with you.” She bit her lip, suddenly embarrassed by the happiness in his eyes matching the joy blooming inside her chest.

  It’d take some getting used to, being happy.

  She wrinkled her nose. “This doesn’t get you off the hook, you know.”

  “For what?” He drew his brows together.

  She liked the way he looked grumpy.

  “You bit me.”

  “I said it before.” He kissed the scar on her neck. “I’m not sorry.”

  * * * * *

  About the Author

  Born and raised in the Northeast, PJ Schnyder spent her childhood pretending to study for the SATs by reading every fantasy and sci-fi novel she could borrow from the local and school libraries. She scored fairly high in the verbal portion.

  She was introduced to the wonderful world of romance a decade later by her best friend at an anime convention in Seattle.

  She now lives somewhere temperate watching the seasons go by with her dogs and super-stealthy ninja kitty, writing her stories.

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  ISBN: 978-14268-9565-4

  Copyright © 2013 by PJ Schnyder

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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